Year 12 – a parents sanity guide
As a baby boomer (or rather a Gen Z stuck in a Baby Boomer’s body), I bought into society’s linear dream of finishing high school, finding a vocation, getting a job or going on to higher education.
The employer I started with would see me through most, if not all, of my working life, promote and reward me and after 40 years organise my retirement party and golden watch before handing me over to the Government for a pension and a good time.
Today’s young adults aren’t offered this cultural work dream and are instead mostly on their own as they work their way through 6 careers and 14 jobs in a 60 year + career, in a life span of 100 years +.
Tomorrow’s workers will work locally, remotely and globally.They will exert themselves both physically and digitally. They will work as employers, employees, partners, collaborators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and socialpreneurs.
Their work hours and workload will be task and project driven and they will be responsible for their own career path, up-skilling, promotions, rewards and retirement.
With this new landscape of employment David Dowsett of ABC Wide Bay and I set out in this week’s segment to look at how parents can help their Year 12 students survive and thrive end of year exams and beyond and navigate themselves into future employment.
We discussed some of the career paths of tomorrow including health, aged care, robotics, gaming and other horizon industries, as well how students study today and how important on-line is to their study, well being and world view.
As parents it’s imperative we don’t hold onto the old education and employment dreams but instead we base our advice, assistance and well intentioned, but often not well received views on taking the best from what we had and know and blend that with what will our young adults will need if they are going to exceed their own beliefs and dreams.
and for all fellow Year 12 parents take heart, there are only 58 days left till exams are over (for me anyway), but who’s counting!?!
Take a listen now:
[audio src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/future-of-year-12-parents-guide-23-sept-13.mp3"]