Well, well, wellness

future_of_healthcare_diagramIn the near past our medical system offered intervention and repair in a prescribed medicine approach, where we waited for something to go wrong with us, we then sought out assistance from a medical or allied health practitioner and then followed their advice to achieve hopefully a positive outcome. In the near future we are still going to require medical intervention, but we are going to preempt our health needs by working ongoing to maintain wellness, monitoring our body and its activities in real time in a patient central wellness approach. This week David Dowsett of ABC Wide Bay and I chatted about the future of health and wellness, including the rise of Cyberchondriacs people who, often incorrectly, believe they have found their ailments, issues and cure online, through to robots that allow Doctors to consult anywhere on the planet without ever leaving their own practice or hospital. We also took a look at ehealth [audio src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/future-of-health-wellness15-july-2013.mp3"]]]>

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