To be well, or not to be well?

heart robotMost of us would answer this question in the affirmative and would look for ways that we could maintain or achieve a sense of wellness and good health and this growing belief that we can and should live healthier lives is spurring on the health (r)evolution.

The March to Wellness was the topic for this weeks regular chat with David Dowsett of ABC Radio Wide Bay as we explored the cultural, political and technological reasons we are moving away from an era of waiting for our body to show symptoms of being unwell, to an era where our body provides real time information about our actual and future state of health and wellness.

In our chat we explored the future of medicine; a time in the very near future where Doctors would supplement their own wisdom with information gained from apps and devices you routinely carry with you, on you or in you and where the emphasis is on keeping you well, rather than getting you well.

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