No weekends in 2050

2050The nature of work has changed dramatically in the last few decades, as have our social, economic and cultural habits, our shopping preferences and our views on religion.

Although this may seem a strange cocktail of disparate signals they have each impacted on the other over the decades to change the face of 9 – 5 Monday to Friday work and what we do in the hours that we’re not working.  In fact much of the landscape of work that Baby Boomers grew up with no longer hold true and in this evolving landscape of work, play and family are changing into a society that does not use weekends as a religious or family catch up oasis; a society that shops 24/7 in-store and digitally and a work force that increasingly works to project and task and not to fixed hours and often not at a fixed workplace.

Behind all of this are the exponential changes that have been brought about by technology, that has delivered the digital world to our pockets, handbags and briefcases for all hours access.

Emerging out of this horizon landscapes are a slew of new jobs, new careers and new work habits that in the near future will become as ordinary and pervasive as Henry Ford’s assembly line was when it came into practice 100 years ago.

In this weeks regular segment David Dowsett of ABC radio WideBay and I chatted about this new workspace and the top 10 jobs we may be doing in 2050 including nano medic, memory augmentation surgeon and gene programmers.

Have  a listen now for the rest of the list and then share your thoughts on the changing workspace.

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