We know what you’re doing online

Web based email usage is down 31% amongst 12-17 year olds and up 15% amongst 45-54 year olds.

Our thirst for health related information made it the fastest rising search category in 2011 up 134%, followed closely by online retail up 87%.

The average person online spends 7.05 hours per month in FaceBook, 2.51 hours in tumblr, 1.3 hours in Pinterest and 25 minutes in Twitter.

These insights, as well as why we’re using homeless people as portable Mi-Fi hot spots and the decline of the printed encyclopedia and what that means for future knowledge quests were all part of this weeks FutureTech segment with Jason Jordan and Morris Miselowski on Perth radio 6PR.

Listen now:

and listen each Sunday at 5.05 p.m. (WST)

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