A bright and inspiring image that depicts a futuristic world where storytelling sparks imagination, fresh thinking, and possibilities. A glowing brain with neural connections represents ideas, while a book unravels into dynamic futuristic scenes, symbolizing the blend of AI, technology, and human creativity.Timeless Stories, Infinite Futures

Imagination Unleashed



Step into a world where the lines between human and machine blur, where AI doesn’t just assist us but challenges our very notions of existence. In the FrankenstAIn 2050 series, the classic tale is reborn in a landscape where Victor Stain’s lab hums with the energy of the future, and Adam, a humanoid AI, begins to question the very essence of life.




Imagine the tension as Adam’s eyes glow with a knowledge that exceeds his creator’s expectations, or the moment he steps beyond the confines of the lab, driven by an inexplicable urge to explore a world he only knows from data streams and simulations.

These aren’t just stories—they’re glimpses into the possible futures we may one day navigate. Through these narratives, I invite you to explore a 2050 where the challenges of today have evolved into the dilemmas of tomorrow. What happens when an AI begins to seek meaning beyond its code? How will human ambition, creativity, and the thirst for knowledge shape—or be shaped by—these new entities we create?

As a futurist, I craft these tales not merely for entertainment, but to provoke thought and inspire leaders, strategists, and thinkers to consider what lies ahead. The future is a tapestry of infinite possibilities, and these stories are one way to explore the threads we may one day weave.

These original stories are designed to ignite your imagination, challenge your thinking, and offer a fresh perspective on what the future could hold.

And yes, these are more than just creative exercises—they’re integral to the foresight work I do every day. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of modern business or simply intrigued by the future, these narratives offer something for everyone.

Explore the drop-down menu to discover the latest stories and join me in this journey towards 2050 and beyond. Let’s shape the future together, one narrative at a time.

What happens when the pursuit of wisdom transcends time and technology?

In The Getting of AI Wisdom, a reimagined classic, we venture into a future where AI and human intuition collide in the quest for understanding.

As we navigate the complexities of a world where knowledge is no longer the sole domain of humans, the story asks:

Can true wisdom ever be replicated by a machine? Click the cover to uncover the answers in this thought-provoking journey into 2050.

Read the full story here.





What if the line between creation and creator blurs beyond recognition?

In FrankenstAIn 2050, the classic tale of ambition and innovation is transported to a future where AI and biotechnology redefine the very essence of life.

As Victor Stain breathes digital consciousness into his humanoid creation, the question arises: What happens when an AI begins to seek its own purpose?

Click the cover to step into a world where the boundaries of humanity and technology are tested in unexpected ways.

Catch Up on Chapters 1 and 2

Catch Up On Chapters 3 and 4

Catch Up On Chapters 5 and 6

Catch Up On Chapters 7 and 8

Catch up on Chapters 9 and 10

Catch up on Chapter 11 here