The world, in pictures, according to me

The latest online push is into personal curation and the hottest way to do it is through pictures.

Over the last few years we’ve had FaceBook, twitter, myspace, tumblr, blogs, fouresquare and thousands of other sites through which to publish the world according to me in words, well look out there is a whole new look coming to social media communication and it’s also the next big brand name we’ll all know – Pinterest.

It allows Pinterestians to make up visual boards full of pictures, photos, cuttings from websites and elsewhere and then publish these themed boards out to their community’s.

Since being launched in March 2010 it has gained over 12 million unique users and achieved an average over the past few months of 11 million visits per week, making it the fastest site in history to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark (exceeding Facebook, Twitter and all others).

This and other visual and personal curation sites including Path and the revamped FaceBook timeline were all part of my segment this week with Jason Jordan on Perth radio’s 6PR.

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