The Weekender – 6PR Radio – Morris’s predictions for 2010
2010 is set to be a year pregnant with promise and possibilities, but with some difficulties nevertheless.
Let’s get the bad stuff out of the way. There will certainly be a couple of interest rate hikes (1.5% – 2.0%) over the next 12 months; the Australian economy will for the first time in a couple of years have no large government handouts or stimulus packages, some American and European loans that have a similar bad odour to that of the sub prime interest rate debacle will fall due in the latter half of 2010 and a South Australian, Tasmanian, Victorian and possibly Federal election are all on the horizon. This cocktail will subdue, but not stymie, consumer confidence and the economy.
Next year will definitely continue to see the rise and rise of technology the iPhone, Googles Android and Googles own mobile handsets will storm along with new apps, features and possibilities abounding. This will also be the era that ushers in the notion of apps or software accessories being readily available for hardware and within the next few short years expect every piece of hardware – phones, computers, televisions, cameras, toasters, fridges to come with their own apps store.
3D, virtual and augmented worlds will come into their own and although they will not dominate the online world, yet, they will begin to make their presence felt as we build to a mainstream acceptance of these new rich features. Our expectations soon will be that we receive real time in-situ information about where we are, what and who’s around us and what we can do between here and wherever we are headed.
Although we have chosen to have our devices merge into one, their is an interesting side show happening where a raft of stand alone technologies are emerging – these include e-readers and flip cameras (small high definition video recorders). It will be interesting to see if we take to these devices or prefer the single united divergent technology – my betting is on all for one and one for all; and whilst we’re betting look out for Apple’s next killer piece of hardware the new iSlate tablet PC.
These were some of the predictions Morris and Todd Johnson of Perth’s radio station 6PR discussed this week in their weekly segment. Recorded live 27th December 2009.