TEDx here I come!!
I received the most incredible Christmas gift the other month in the form of an invitation to strut my stuff on the TEDx stage in Melbourne on December 3rd and with only 5 sleeps to go I can’t wait to unwrap my present that I’ve titled – Unlearn the Future and don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you – after all it is better to give than receive – your invitation and discount promo code is at the end of this post.
This is a new piece that’s been kicking around in my head for the last three decades or so and speaks to why we so often have difficulty seeing the opportunities ahead; why we feel such trepidation at evolution and innovation and how we must take the best of what we already have and know and blend it with the best of what we need and want from the future if we are going to live up to the expectations we place on tomorrow.
It is also an extremely personal piece as I weave my story of going back to Poland after a family absence of 70 years, finding the old homestead, walking around familiar but never trodden before streets and share how this life altering event taught me to unlearn the future.
As a lead up to this event I did a podcast with Jen Storey of Anthill yesterday, discussing next week’s TEDx event as well as chatting about 3 very challenging questions:
1. What’s the one big thing that is happening now you believe is shaping the business world?
2. With all the amazing new technology around us, what are your thoughts on the trend towards retro – both genuine retro and new technology made to look like old stuff?
3. What are the three trends every entrepreneur should be aware of?
Have a listen now and then share your answers with the Eye on the Future tribe
[audio mp3="http://www.morrisfuturist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/131127MorrisMiselowski-Anthill.mp3"][/audio]
Great interview, exciting times and if you’re in Melbourne next week I’d like to give you a $20 discount off the ticket price, simply use the word “speaker” in the promo code box when you click here to buy your ticket to TEDx Melbourne.