Shiny new Apples / Hong Kong radio 3
On the day of Apple’s announcement of all things new and shiny including the iPhone 8 and X, Phil Whelan of HK3 and I asked our annual questions Why and What For?
Now, I love Apple and am not going to rain on their very successful parade, but given that this was the 10th anniversary of the iPhone I so wanted was bigger, better and wow and what I got was catch up, expensive and good.
It’s easy to be an armchair critic and yes it has some wonderful new kit and is beautiful to look at and easy to use, but lots of it is just catch up with what’s already out there (wireless charging, full screen etc) and very little of it is bleeding edge (perhaps their VR and AR applications may be when they’re fully cooked). also announce was Apple TV which looks good, the Apple Watch 3 for those that love it is definitely a step forward now that you can use it independent of the iPhone’s SIM card.
The more interesting part of today’s’ chat was reminiscing about the last ten years and how much the world has changed since the first iPhone, how dependent we have become on this technology, how it literally changed our view of the world, spawned so many new industries and jobs and how quickly we have all evolved to become Homo Cyborgs forever more tethered to technological umbilical chords.
So have a listen (15 minutes 33 seconds) share your thoughts and let me know what you want to see in the next iPhone