Robots are all around us / ABC Nightlife

robots-out-to-get-meHow realistic is a world where #robots, #drones, #androids and #AI (Artificial Intelligence) will replace all human work and effort?

I caught up with ABC radio local’s –  Tony Delroy and our special guest Jonathan Roberts Professor in Robotics at Queensland University, in one of our regular on-air chats to explore what robots are currently doing for us in our homes, offices, factories, hospitals, farms, in schools, on the roads, in the air, on and in the ocean and almost everywhere else and what they may be capable of in the very near future.

Here’s just some of the robots around already…

Personal Assistant

Hamburger Chef



Google’s Top 5 Robots

A lively and interesting discussion, great listener calls and surprisingly very little negativity around robots being a part of our lives now and in the future, so have a listen now (44 minutes 50 seconds) and then let me know what you would you would like to have a robot do for you in the very near future.
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