{Radio} Future of Toys
Everything old is new again and this was never truer than in COVID toy sales, when nostalgia, retro and family time were the main drivers of an impressive rise in global toy sales.
And toys purchases weren’t contained to just the 60,000,000 children globally who had someone in their life that could afford to add to the 70 toys the average child already owns, worth $6,500 per child they collected from birth to 18, but extends to adults who were looking for reassurance in simple distracted pleasures from their childhood.

In this week’s regular on air chat Hong Kong’s 3’s Phil Whelan and I chat about all things toys, why the resurgence during COVID and the top trends in toy purchasing including personalised , plush, water, construction and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) toys.
We also explore diversity in toys, social good and environmental influences in toy design, build and purchase.
The small screen toys and video games also come in conversation with the reality that by $$ power the most money was spent on them , this is because of their price not because of volume, in fact sales for video games were down 10% since 2019 and 33.5% since 2012.
Have a listen now, to explore all things Future of Toys (21 mins 37 seconds)