{Radio} Charities are getting less $$ but more…
Over the past decade or so, there’s been a steady decline in one-off charitable donations, but more money is being raised and more is getting done in the world of philanthropy than ever before.
In this week’s on air chat Hong Kong radio’s Phil Whelan and I chat about the growing phenomenon of people donating their time, resources and social networks as well as their money.

Builders and Baby Boomers saw charity and philanthropy as a money transaction, donate to those that are doing good and allow them to do even better.
Many Gan Z, Y X and A’s seem to be taking a more hands on approach, wanting to give of their expertise and effort. They want to understand the issue and feel their making an impact on its root causes. That those suffering are directly assisted and that wherever possible issues are resourced and resolved.
In the world of corporate philanthropy we’re seeing the rise of the mega philanthropist giving billions of dollars towards a cause or issues and able to be nimble and more direct that governments and corporations.. We are also seeing the rise of professional philanthropists and collective targeted giving.
The need for good deeds has not diminished, but the approach to providing it is certainly evolving.
Have a listen now to explore the Future of Charity (15 minutes 14 seconds).