Radio ABC Australia – Today Show – Future Tech Segment – 31 January 2010
This week’s on air discussion has to be about the Apple iPad as we take a close beyond the hype look at what has been announced, what the iPad will and won’t do and who’s likely to buy it and why and importantly what does this mean for the future of computers and the way we engage with technology.
Phil Whelan of Hong Kong radio let’s us know that the hype didn’t hit Hong Kong in nearly as big a way as it did the States and Australia and that his radio station carried very little news of it. We also chatted to Phil about Twitter’s intent to get around Chinese censorship and about the counties most likely to sin according to yet another recently released survey.
The segment also features the word of the week competition, a full tech report, great conversation and lot’s of laughs – some of course about the name iPad. Segment date: 29 January 2010.