upon arrival

{Podcast} The magic business and outsourcing equation that works with the future

I LOVE catching up with Adelaine Ng and peering into the now and next and was honoured to be asked to chat with her again about the future of hospitality, tourism and events. There’s something disarming about her style that gets me to dig deeper and think harder and wider about what might be ahead, for the industry that I’ve been aligned to for over three decades. Hope you enjoy the chat!

What is the equation entrepreneurs and companies need to operate their business and resources to be effective today? Flexibility is now a minimum requirement in business. Whether you’re a solopreneur or leading a company in the industry, the right blend of core operations, outsourcing and automation will keep you effective and agile.

Morris Misel is a business futurist, founder and lead strategist at Eye on the Future. He’s also Australia’s first and only futurist in the Einstein 100 Genius (G100) alumni and an Adjunct Industry Fellow with Griffith University, heading a research division specialising in disability and resilience.

Quotes from Episode:

“Don’t ask for certainty when my life is so uncertain. Ask for commitment. Ask for me to join you and to want to be part of the common direction we’re going in.”

“When this epidemic hit us, we went looking for the lowest hanging fruit of technology – what’s available now that we can repurpose and cobble together and use as best as we can… But they weren’t built to do what we want in the last 12 months. There’s been a huge investment, literally billions of dollars spent in the event, hospitality, tourism space to build specific tools from the ground up to actually cope with what needs to be done.”

“We need to remember that many of the people that are working for us or around us have not been through difficult times. It’s been a decade or two since we’ve really had the GFC, which might’ve been the last real time that we saw this industrialized wholesale business difficulty.”

Don’t miss:

-The business of turning physical into virtual

-Are people actually Zoomed out?

-Augmented, mixed reality and avatars

-The business operations equation that works today for many in the travel trade industry

-Leaders need to care for a pre-GFC generation that never lived through a global business difficulty

-The need for commitment when certainty can’t be promised

-Why ‘new normal’ doesn’t make sense

Upon Arrival is a podcast for the people creating unforgettable travel and event experiences for corporate clients.

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