Work, Radio Interview, Robots, All, Business, hyperpersonalised, Horizon Trends, People, Technology
The Pace of Change / ABC Mornings with Jon Faine
June 20, 2017
We’ve just discovered a new piece of tech, a new app, a new fad, a new business proposition, a new idea or a new gadget and we think we’ve come to terms with it, when out of left field another new something comes along and blows us out of the water.
This was the starting point for a conversation with ABC Melbourne’s Morning presenter Jon Faine as we explored all things future, including my belief that the rate of change has not increased just the amount of parallel technologies that we have to tame simultaneously have and that we are all now Homo Cyborg’s irrevocably tied to technology through things we carry on us, have around us and increasingly inside of us.
A fascinating conversation, well worth a listen (9 minutes 16 secs)