Nerdvana – live from CeBIT | 4BC
CEBIT, Sydney’s annual tech and innovation show attracting 20,000 plus visitors to 3 days and 450 exhibitions, was up and running this week and it was a perfect location for a live segment on 4BC, looking at all things innovation and future.
Our chat took us across the realms of rummaging through the exhibition’s treasure trove of what’s ahead, looking at drones and robots, at home automation and 3D printers and some wonderful new start-up ideas and then on to two live interviews with CeBIT exhibitors and stars.
Our first conversation was with Brendan Ryan of Entitlemate a NSW StartUp that will help families understand the real cost of childcare by cutting through the complexity of childcare entitlements by allowing them to enter their details and then using its secret sauce algorithms to work out which government pension or subsidy they may be entitled to.
Our second chat was with Tas Tudor of Strone, an exhibitor I came across in my walk through of the show and thought his new invention was just what the world needed, freedom to stay connected on your own cell phone number, wherever in the world you are, on any device you choose. It’s a unique patented gadget (that’s just received multimillion dollar angel investment) that lets you put your phones sim card into it, leave it and the device at home and it will then transfer your incoming calls for free to wherever you are.
A really great couple of chats and a great way to do a segment, so have a listen now (17 minutes 54 seconds)
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