Money, money, money

$1 notePaper money and coins seem so old fashioned now. In Australia we began the march towards plastic money in 1974 with the introduction of the first mass credit card – BankCard and towards digital banking when online banking became possible in 1998. At both those events the mass outcry was “we will never use this”, but we have and we are very content. In this radio interview we explore the Less-Cash society phenomenon and a future where banking and financial transactions will no longer be done via plastic credit cards and instead live inside our mobile devices and eventually into inhabit the digital nether-regions as they magically appear and disappear a myriad of devices, walls and holograms just when you need them. Have a listen to this, the rising digital economy including BitCoin and Ven and my belief that we will soon see a global digital currency emerge to carry on from where PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and others are currently placed. [audio src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/abc-john-future-of-money-16-aug-13.mp3"] ]]>

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