Man vs Machine / 3AW


People vs technology is the battle of tomorrow employment landscape with predictions of 500,000 jobs being transferred from humans to machines within the next decade in Australia.

We have already seen routine jobs like bank tellers, cashiers, assembly workers and others losing their jobs in favour of machines. Next to go are routine white-collar jobs like real estate agents, bookkeepers and financial advisers.

In this new workspace the majority of us will be working when and where is appropriate rather than a mandated 9-5; the weekend and 4 weeks holidays will be antiquated notions instead we will choose to work and live fluid lives with no clear boundaries between either, each encroaching on the other as and when “life” happens.

In this evolving new world we will have a physical world with all its old legacy ways of doing things; a brand new digital world barely out of its infancy and still to show its true adult potential; robots, drones and android marching over the hill; changing culture and habits; burgeoning connected and intelligent technology; increasing populations; decreasing jobs and endless human desires and digital possibilities all mixed together and simmering in a large pot called the future of work.

This brave new future of work world is where 3AW’s Alan Pearsall and I started one of our regular chats, reminiscing about jobs of old like stenographers, lift operators and switchboard operators, before looking at tomorrow’s likely to disappear jobs and ask and answer the question of which jobs and tasks are safe from machines and technologies rise?

We then travelled on to look at how great employers are encouraging their employees to stay with them including Richard Branson that allows his top execs to pick and choose their work hours and their holiday duration and Atlassian gifting their new hires a $500 travel voucher as a welcome on board bonus.

As always a wonderful chat so have  a listen now (18 minutes 15 seconds)

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