Let me show you around #2025 / today only watch live at #BusinessBluePrint.com

business_blueprint_2We’re all futurists, constantly making choices and decisions about tomorrow and then working hard towards that vision and possibility.

But what if our version of tomorrow is slightly off, more based on yesterday than tomorrow, or simply fails to take into account new technologies, changing habits, growing possibilities and new business horizons.

This is the conversation I’m having everyday in boardrooms, clients offices, on stage and in the media, but it’s not often I get to take you behind the scenes and share the what, how, why, when and where of tomorrow and have it widely available.

I teamed up recently with Business BluePrint, an incredible recently launched 24 hour live streaming small business channel that in itself is a remarkable innovation offering recorded ready access to some of the best minds and thinkers on the planet, to record a live version of one of my most often requested presentations, looking ahead to 2025 and learning the lessons of tomorrow and profiting from them today.

Lots in this 57 minute recording, but some of the future roads we travel in this recording include:

  • Why the future of your business starts right now!
  • What innovation really is and how you can quickly, and for no budget, grab hold of it and make it work for you
  • The biggest demographic and business changes we can expect to see over the next decade
  • The 5 questions you can ask to better see the future
  • Which industries are going to rise and which are going to disappear
  • How to use technology to remove friction and increase engagement
  • What is the sharing economy and what might it mean to you
  • The age of big data and why it is relevant for small business
  • The internet of things and connected spaces
  • The rise of robotics and which industries will be effected and why
  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • What is artificial intelligence (AI) and when it will take hold
  • How to be on the right side of technology advancements in business

and then we take a quick tour through some of my best foresight and business planning tools around how to find your next great business innovation and how to wrestle it into life and profit.

This recording is live today only – Tuesday 13 October 2015 – at  9: 05 a.m., 11.15 a.m., 01.27 p.m., 3.38 p.m. and 5.49 p.m. (all times are AEST).

I’d love you to watch it and then share what tomorrow is going to bring you and what you’re going to do to make sure it does.

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