Join me for BreadCrumb Innovation – the monthly FREE Webinar tour into the FUTURE

robot watering
Ever fancied yourself as a sculptor or inventor? Ever looked at a car, lamp shade or dinner set and said I’d like that, but I wish it also had…….

In the not too distant future your hyperpersonalisation needs and creative genius will unite to be able to give you exactly what you want, where and when you want it.

This little genie is heralding the third industrial revolution, an epic adventure we have already embarked on that will eventually become routine and easily produce one-off spare parts, bespoke tailored clothes, designer houses, tricked up cars and even produce our own replacement human organs right in our own homes, offices, hospitals and workplaces.

In this morning’s Melbourne Age there’s a great article on someone who had lost part of their face to cancer and had it reprinted for him and reattached (great story read it here).

This game changer technology, known as 3D printing, will ultimately revolutionise the way we think, design, produce and manufacture and for those that get into it now, it may offer the riches of a new-found industry.

This disruptive technology will change the way you do business. It will offer you invention, innovation and possibilities that until now you may have considered science fiction, but I’d love to show you how it’s all becoming science fact in my FREE 45 minute webinar on Monday 8th April at 1.00 p.m. AEST.


The other major horizon trend we’ll chat about this month is Robots, who doesn’t love a good robot story!

Robots have started to do some really cool things in farming, aged care, education, retail, medicine and even walking around our offices and I’ll show you what to expect from them in the very near future.

As always we’ll stop off along the way to look at what’s new and trending, what’s hot in innovation land and which projects and ideas are getting the global innovation juices flowing this month.

Lots of great stuff this month and as always when we know future, we think future and do future, so…

BOOK your spot NOW

Last month we had a record crowd online, so please join our ever-growing tribe of Webinar Wisdom Warriors.

All you need is an inquisitive mind, a passionate desire to know what’s over the horizon and a computer screen.


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