Is this the game changer energy creating technology?

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more about "Bloom Box", posted with vodpod

It looks like there is a new energy creating technology about to Bloom on the horizon, it’s an incredibly small and efficient power plant, called Bloom Box.

This revolutionary game changing technology believes that within the next 3 – 5 years every household in the world could own their own $3,000 grapefruit sized power plant in their backyard that will work by combining oxygen and natural gas (or solar energy) to create their own on-site on-demand electricity.

What’s fascinating and game changing, apart from the technology itself, is the possibilities it opens for clean, efficient, take anywhere / use anywhere wireless energy and the other take out is Americans – and I guess Australian’s – need two (2) boxes to generate enough energy to run all our “stuff“, European homes may need one (1) box to service each households needs, but one (1) box in India, China and other developing countries will create enough energy for four (4) homes.

Now before you write it off, the big brother of this device (larger units costing $300,000 each) are already being used at Google HQ and is backed by the same consortium that brought Google, FaceBook and other game changing technologies to us.

If this does come to market, it is the true definition of a technology that will revolutionise the way we see and think about other technologies. It has the potential to do away with large centralised energy plants, change fuel for cars and factories and with time and further evolutions shrink in size and increase in usage to power much of our future needs.

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, it is definitely worth keeping an eye out for this and the copy cat energy devices it will undoubtedly provoke.

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