Is Social media still a thing in 2033?

Beyond the hype and hysteria of Threads vs Twitter, the supposed exodus from Facebook and the good, bad and ugly of Social Media, what is it’s Future? 10 years ago social media was a fringe online place for the digitally strange and awkward, today it’s mainstream and oh-so ordinary, but what might it be in 10 years from now and will it even be a thing in 2033?.

In this weeks regular on-air chat Hong Radio 3’s James Ross and I chat about all things future of social media including:

– The emergence of Threads, Is it a useful tool or a gimmick? Will it last or fade away?
– The role of social media in fostering community and connection,
– Has social media helped us cope with isolation and uncertainty?
– How has it influenced our sense of identity and relationships?
– The growth of generative AI Social media platforms
– Will we need or want social media in 2033?

Listen in as Hong Kong Radio 3’s James Ross and I chat about all things future of social media (13 minutes 02 seconds).

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