Hello, gorgeous! Meet the laptop you’ll use in 2015

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March 26, 2008 (Computerworld) A lot has changed in the 20 years since the first laptop computers appeared, including gigahertz processors, colour screens, optical drives and wireless data. However, one thing that has stubbornly stayed the same is the conventional clamshell format with its hinged display lid that opens to reveal a mechanical keyboard.

That’s about to change. The rules of notebook design and the components that go inside are being rewritten to make the road a better place to work and play.

Between now and 2015, we expect to see a series of big changes that will redefine what a notebook is and what it looks like.

Read Full Article: http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9070158&intsrc=hm_ts_head


Morris Miselowski’s thoughts:

Great article showcasing some of the possibilities of future notebook / laptop design. Keep in mind when reading this that the world of technology will have changed by 2015.

Portable devices will have become mainstream, acting as quasi personal assistants. They will be our portable media centres, information carriers, information gatherers, communication devices and work partners. For many they will be the portable office connected wirelessly to the Internet, boasting near instant downloads and uploads.

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