Good Morning Kerri-Anne – Schools of the Future


I taped my next segment on Channel 9’s Morning’s with Kerri-Anne yesterday and it’ll air tomorrow (Friday 26th September 2008).

We talked about the Schools of the Future a topic near and dear to my heart and one that is incredibly important.

We can’t continue to provide education that measures up to our old needs, we have to equip kids with the skills and tools they will need for the next 50 years plus.

The 3 R’s have been joined by the 3 C’s – Communicate, Collaborate and Creative thinking as important skills and the classrooms of tomorrow are far beyond the physical four walls and extend into the virtual and digital worlds.

Anyway if you can, watch the program – and if you can’t a copy will be on my site in the media section next week -and let me know your thoughts on what Schools of the Future.

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