Founding fathers, open source & willy wonka / Radio Hong Kong 3
Lots bubbling out there and in my regular catch up with Phil Whelan of Hong Kong Radio 3 we took a look at some of the stories catching his eye and some of the stuff I’m speaking about and working on.
This week we marked the sad and untimely passing of Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s Chief Executive, who died on Saturday at the age of 55 and asked whether he was part of the founding father group that shifted game playing off our television and large fixed screens into handheld consoles and then into our mobile phones heralding a new era in video gaming. He was also responsible for normalising gaming taking it out of just being for gamers and instead made it something that many people do in between doing other things.
We also took a look at another almost overlooked event and marked the anniversary of the open source revolution which began today in 1992. This hippy start-up rebelled against the large corporates that demanded we buy their costly, bloated and flawed mainstream software and instead insisted that those that right the code have the right to share that code at no cost. This revolution led to Linux and many many others and to me is the precursor of today’s smart phone apps and the general approach to software today of low or no cost, constant updates and alternate revenue models.
We then turned our attention to an earlier piece on I did on some other media interviews this week the Willy Wonka elevator which Phil thought in a congested city like Hong Kong may offer some new building possibilities.
As always a fun chat, lots of topics, opinions and laughs, so have a listen now (8 mins 23 secs).