#CES2015 Day 2 – Lots of zero’s and ones

IMAG1749Huge day, lots of walking, sat in on some great keynotes and saw some cool, weird and whacky stuff, but it all comes down to one consistent thing for me we are digitising EVERY aspect of our lives and everything on show here screams it and points to the obvious – we are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution.

The Day started with a great keynote from the CEO’s of Cisco, Bosch and Comcast debating and reflecting on the innovation in their businesses and each stating categorically that there business is nothing like it was a year ago, both internally and externally and nothing like it will be in a years time.

They have each taken a similar path embedding innovation and change within every fibre of their company, people and processes.

They have broken down all their vertical silos and replaced them with open cross functional horizontal models that have meant changing job descriptions, salaries, rewards, kpi’s and expectations across the entire business.

It was a great keynote and I’ll post a recording of it in its entirety soon.

_DSC0281From there it was onto a tour of Samsung with their Oz VP and a good look at their notion of Internet of Everything and the open architecture their hoping to build that will connect everything and everybody to Samsung.

It’s a noble cause but it sounds to me like their really positing themselves for a market fight with Google / Android and Apple, but watch this space because their will be a winner in the very near future.

The afternoon saw a switch of conference halls and the start of the exploration wearables exhibition.

_DSC0283It’s incredible how many vendors there are and the variety of products, applications and purposes on show. This is definitely the next big thing, but we’re still very much in the early days, there’s all sorts of issues to overcome including who owns the rights to the data collected, who can use it and to what purpose.

But the theme of digitising our lives was strongest there. This entire new industry requires us to do it and assumes we will.

They’re right I suspect in the short term, but we have yet to see a killer brand or purpose and even a compelling reason to keep wearing them past the initial honeymoon stage, but I’m guessing we’ll see that reason very soon and also a clear marketplace dominant brand that will become the default name for this new segment, just like FaceBook and Google are.

_DSC0304My day finished with another round of keynotes on the State of the Wearables Market, Wearables Devices for Aged Care before finishing off with a Future of Wearables keynote (if you’d like more specifics on any of these email morris@BusinessFuturist.com).

All in all a great second day that saw me walk 1:56 hours, 8.5 kilometres or 10,003 steps (guess who’s wearing his wearables) exploring the furthest reaches of today and maybe even tomorrow’s technology.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 3 fro #CES2015 Las Vegas.

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