Australian Retail Outlook 2013
Here’s an excerpt from this year’s Australian Retail Outlook magazine with my thoughts on the year ahead for retail: Aust Retail Outlook 2013
Here’s an excerpt from this year’s Australian Retail Outlook magazine with my thoughts on the year ahead for retail: Aust Retail Outlook 2013
There is a digital and burgeoning offline movement towards working together and sharing resources, rather than doing it all and owning it all and three (3) of the major movements in this new non-ownership meme are known as collaboration, co creation and the sharing economy. In this week’s on-air discussion David Dowsett of ABC radio […]
The answer is not much, but a trip to the Gold Coast is never complete without a chat to Nicole Dyer on ABC FM and the Future of Media and Aged Care were her two topics of choice. The notion of who creates, curates, disseminates and comments on news was our main theme, as was […]
Up to this morning’s interview with Celine Foenander on ABC Local I would have said nothing, but one of the recurring questions I get asked around digital wallets is how secure they are? The answer is very secure, because it’s in the interest of the banks and credit card providers to make it as secure […]
I got a call this morning from Steve Mills host of Perth’s 6PR breakfast show about a recent study that concluded that people fear that in 80 years we will have lost all human interaction and instead will be tethered hypnotically and blindly to a computer, or whatever technology becomes or is called by then. […]
I got an on-air call today from Gillian O’Shaughnessy of ABC Radio Perth to ask why inventions are no longer named after their inventors. What a great question! Thinking back, Henry F Phillips invented the Phillips screwdriver and screw; Candido Jacuzzi invented the Jacuzzi; William Henry Hoover the hoover vacuum cleaner; Jules Leotard the leotards; […]