BreadCrumb Innovation – the February Webinar

Phablet_header2What a great webinar yesterday and an awesome way to kick off the digital year.

With a record crowd on-line we set off down the road to the Future, exploring 2013’s emerging trends of omni-living, wisdom warriors, getting found in a crowd; mobile technologies, phablets and apps.

Along the way we stopped to answer what if anything this may mean to us and our business’s, what do we need to know to take the next steps and also took a sneak look at some of the emerging examples of how it’s already being used and applied.

Our journey also included challenging the audience to write their own 200 word Postcard from The Future by moving their thinking to 2023 and describing their company, business and industry as it will be 10 years hence and to explore how it works; what does it sell and to whom; what’s changed in the last 10 years and what hasn’t? and what insights the FUTURE you has for the present you?

This is great way to start the creative juices flowing of how you see the next 10 years unfolding for you – it’s also something very few Western businesses ever spend time doing and in Eastern businesses is so rudimentary.

The Postcards are going to be posted on my BusinessFuturist Facebook page – if you haven’t joined us click here and come on in – with the winner (as judged by the most number of likes) spending an hour with me, 1 on 1, working out how to turn their future vision into a profitable reality today.

Before we signed off we also took a quick look at some of the innovations looming on the horizon including using our DNA for data storage and omniphobic coatings that repel dirt, grime and bacteria; as well as a quick look at some of the more interesting highly speculative designs for Apple’s new iWatch.

A terrific show, bursting at the seams with content and insights and I’m already looking forward to next month’s webinar, when we’ll look at the internet of things, second screens, BYOD and AOYD, cloud computing and co creating so please be sure to click here to reserve your FREE spot online for Monday 18th March 2013 @ 1.00 p.m. AEST.

Apologies: Even in the future technology will play up and yesterday part way through the webinar we lost screen sharing and had audio only. This also meant that the webinar was not properly recorded. As a Plan B (and you always have to have one) I have put up the visuals and the audio as two separate pieces – again not the ideal but it still gets the job done (and yes we have got the problem fixed for next month)

So here’s the visuals:

[gigya src=”” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”550″ height=”400″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” flashvars=”prezi_id=i8fckffdg276&lock_to_path=0&color=ffffff&autoplay=no&autohide_ctrls=0″ ]

and here’s the audio:

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