Apple’s “Error 53” conspiracy theory / Hong Kong Radio 3

iphone-error-53 In the last few weeks there’s been lot’s of chatter about some IPhone 6 owners being bricked, or not being able to access their phones and instead getting an “Error 53” message. Radio HK3’s Phil Whelan loves a good conspiracy theory and asked me to look into whether this was Apple’s way of punishing people who had taken their broken phones to non authorized repairers.

Alas, there doesn’t seem to be any truth in it, instead it seems to be the result of the fingerprint scanner not working properly or becoming damaged, which leads it to believe its being hacked and shuts it down.

It’s an interesting dilemma, because any device that stores sensitive information including credit card details should have safety measures in it, and that appears to be what has triggered it. But yet most comments are heaping it on Apple for not knowing what the problem is, not resolving it well and in most instances having to replace the phone as the only resolution.

FWP – First World Problems – comes to mind here, it is serious, we do rely on the phone for a great deal now days, but shouldn’t safety and security override any other issues? Anyway that’s where we started our regular chat and as usual we meandered down a few other roads including the safety of cloud computing and where all our information is stored.

Have a listen now (15 minutes 52 seconds) and then share your best tech conspiracy theory story with me.

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