The Weekender – 6PR Radio – iPad & Australia’s top industries for 2010

The good, the bad, the possible and the impossible of the iPad starts our segment off this week, before Brendon (of Perths’ 6PR radio) and I move on to mull over the new global growth industry, the App industry.

We can expect to see lots of apps on our phones, smart devices, computers and even our televisions from here on in and for an industry that was worth USD$6.2 billion in 2009, expect it to rise over the next 3 years to an industry turning over USD$29.5 billion (although I think that figures on the low side given it was calculated prior to the iPad announcement).

Coming on the back of the recently released IBIS world report we also took a look at Australia’s top 10 growth industries for 2010, which included sugar manufacturing, health insurance, organic farming, alternative health therapies and the 5 industries that are most likely to decline in 2010 which include image processing, video hire outlets and travel agents.

A great segment, lots of laughs and conversation, take a listen for yourself. Recorded live 31st January 2010.

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