A #3DPrinted world

3d-printing-history3D printing seems to be making the headlines more often lately as we hear about 3D printing for medicine, manufacturing, housing, foods, cars and just about everything. even though the technology has been around since the 1980’s it’s only in the last few years that it has become commercially viable with technology, need and culture combining to press the “Go” button on all things 3D printed.

In our regular look ahead David Dowsett of radio ABC Wide Bay and I looked at the past, present and future of 3D printing, industries that are set to boon because of it including art, education, manufacturing, zero gravity printing (printing in space), medicine and healthcare, building, home decor, food manufacturing and medicine and industries that might falter and fall.

Have a listen to the interview now and then share your thoughts on the future of 3D printing.

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