Ready to go: mobile terahertz devices
Terahertz waves, which until now have barely found their way out of the laboratory, could soon be in use as a versatile tool. Researchers have mobilized the transmitting and receiving devices so that they can be used anywhere with ease.
Everybody knows microwaves – but what are terahertz waves?
These higher-frequency waves are a real jack-of-all-trades. They can help to detect explosives or drugs without having to open a suitcase or search through items of clothing. They can reveal which substances are flowing through plastic tubes. Doctors even hope that these waves will enable them to identify skin cancer without having to perform a biopsy.
Morris Miselowski’s thoughts
This is one of those early technology stories with no real application, yet.
But wait, the technology exists, the excitement is building, the possibilities for its usage are growing and as we tame it expect costs to come down and usage to increase.