Join James Packer and Seek’s Paul Bassat in learning about innovation first-hand in Israel’s Silicon Valley.
SECURE your place NOW
9 nights, 8 days
Innovation Safari 2015
join those in the
want to know
exploring innovation in
Israel’s Silicon Valley
10th – 18th October 2015
EARLY BIRD and first round places
close in 7 days
Square Peg last week took a delegation of 40 leading Australian technology entrepreneurs, investors and executives together representing more than $US150 billion in value to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to learn about the Israeli hi-tech industry.The delegation included Mr Packer and Mr Thodey as well as Rob Rankin, the chief executive of Mr Packer’s Consolidated Press Holdings; Evans & Partner founder David Evans; Carsales chief Greg Roebuck; Seek boss Andrew Bassat; Square Peg backer Justin Liberman, and his cousin Josh Liberman.
photo and excerpt reprinted from The Australian 22nd June 2015
So, it’s not just us beating a path to Israel’s door to try and figure out what the next big thing in innovation is, it’s also the top end of town and the heavy hitters.
Join me, Morris Miselowski global Business Futurist and Transformation Provocateur, in exploring Israel’s innovation eco-system, meeting with 30 plus of its greatest thinkers and doers, lunching in the Board Rooms of those in the know and sipping wine over dinner with those that influence.
We’ll spend 8 days and 9 nights absolutely immersed in innovation and you’ll come back with a fresh attitude, an insiders knowledge, a can-do innovation attitude, a truck load of new contacts and endless audacious possibilities that will make your existing business or next venture fly.
But early bird, first round places close in just 7 days @ 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 30th June and if you’re coming along, or are at all interested, now’s the time to get off the fence and book or reserve your spot because once the bus is full, that’s it!
and who knows we might even bump into James Packer on the streets of Tel Aviv.
click on the image for a brochure and more details
Pass it On
If you know anyone that might want to join the Innovation Safari, I’d appreciate you letting them know – thanks