In a global (and soon an outer space) digital world that requires us to work anywhere, everywhere and anytime we will have to establish new Global Standard Frameworks for education.
This is not only for native digital workers and online consultants, but
- doctors who operate using remote robots in emergency theatres around the globe.
- farmers who remote access their farms to instruct machinery and robots to till, plant, fertilize, water and pick to order.
- plant and equipment technicians who remote dial in to oil rigs, buildings and cars to repair, update and fine tune equipment
- drivers driving huge driverless B-double trucks through remote areas of Australia, from the comfort of far-away airconditioned offices not truck cabins
Can we evolve our education system to fit this new purpose? or do we need to start again?
How do education providers thrust themselves into a global market?
Which skills and lessons are global? Which are region specific?
Will we need qualifications in the future or will evidence of competency to undertake a task or set of activities be enough?
Watch my recent opening keynote address on “Education Re Imagined” delivered at TAFE NSW’s annual teachers conference
Some of the clients that Morris has looked into the Future with

October 6, 2017
Morris Misel (Miselowski)
Our kids will live to 120, we’ll be working till we’re 90: Australia’s leading futurist explains why / The Advertiser, Adelaide