

As a Futurist Ambassador, my only purpose is to make you look brilliant.

I’m your internal and external champion, making sure you’re always future facing, that you’re up to date and always in the know.

That your meeting the right people, having the right conversations.

That your being spoken about in all the right places and that opportunity finds you.

This is an intimate role, and it differs with every engagement.

For Griffith University I’m an internal and external spokesperson, supporting a team of 250+ of the world’s most extraordinary researchers and innovators. Ensuring that their stories are told well and that they are seeing the full commercial potential of their innovations and inventions.

For Western Australia’s AICC I have the pleasure of providing regular foresight workshops and keynotes as well as accompanying their delegates on extended Silicon Valley technology tours, acting as geek and nerd translator, working with the delegates to convert innovation seen into innovation reality.

For others I am a spokesperson for their products or services, adding a futurist spin and reputation to their incredible offerings, representing them in the media, the board rooms and with their various internal and external publics.

What can I do to make your future dreams a reality, just like I continue to do with Griffith University